Academia for Equality is a members' organization working to promote democratization, equality, inclusion, representation, and access to higher education for all communities living in Israel/Palestine. We believe that furthering our mission in academia will promote justice and equality in our society and region as a whole. Recognizing the rights of both peoples in Israel-Palestine according to international law, we struggle against the complicity of Israeli academia with the occupation, war, and apartheid, strive for academic freedom, and stand against the silencing of critical voices in Israel and the wider academic world. We criticize the neoliberalization and fascization of academic life and the degradation of academia as a public institution. We combat all forms of discrimination and exploitation in academia; abusive labor relations, sexual harassment, abuse of power and marginalization of minority groups. Our collective activities, bringing together faculty and students of all ranks, identities and groups across institutions in Israel-Palestine and internationally, seek to lay the foundations for solidarity across class and institutional differences in a range of intersecting struggles aimed at changing the face of academia and society.